
5 Mar

Sometimes I feel I’m backsliding. How is it I did 45 decent unassisted kipping pull-ups in a workout several weeks ago, and today I struggled like hell to get 50 sloppy ones? I was battling to get one, two, and rarely three in a row, barely getting my chin above the bar, probably questionably several times. Maybe it was the adrenaline and excitement in the first wod that I completed with no assistance that carried me through, because every pull-up wod since then has been a fight. I’ve even felt like my coordination and form is getting worse!

I’ve been wondering, as my form goes to crap, if I should jump on the band to finish properly? I did that for 3 reps today, and it sure felt easier and back to normal. Maybe next time I should grab the band for the wod to build my confidence and form back up? But then I feel like I’m loosing progress, rather than continuing to soldier through where I’m at now. If I keep struggling, eventually I’ll get better, right? I just get so demoralized when my body stops cooperating, sometimes it becomes more of a mental battle than anything.

Other than the 3 reps in the middle of the wod with the little pink band, I stuck it out and finished my pull-ups slowly, but sloppily. I hoped no one was watching me flail my body around. I’m sure I looked like a monkey with a seizure.

Not every wod can be awesome, and I gotta get the bad days out of my system. Hopefully that was it for this week. Bleh.

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